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September 3rd — Matt Cerf on Clubberry Trance
September 3 2010 // Post to Twitter // Save in VkontakteВ эту пятницу, 3 сентября, в 23:00 в радиошоу наших польских резидентов Equalibrium & Mario Ayuda — Blueprint вы сможете услышать гостевой микс от самого Matt Cerf!
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Equalibrium & Mario Ayuda here. We want to spread a word about our next episode of „Blueprint”. This time we will provide you something light. As you know on each show we have a different GuestMix from DJ's around the world.
We are using this words many, many times but we are very proud to present you a set from person who is responsible for such tunes like Beggin You, Walk Away, You Never Said, Light the Skies, Let Me Breathe, With Me, Man On The Run and many, many more. When we will say only two words everything will be clear. Matt Cerf.
We also decided that 1 hour GuesMix will be now norm. So you will have an oportunity to listen to Matt for whole hour.
Are you sure you want to miss an opportunity to listen Matt Cerf?»
Не пропустите. Matt Cerf на Clubberry Trance, в эту пятницу, в 23:00 по Москве.