Meet the long-awaited update: Clubberry Desktop 1.0 (not a beta!).
What's new?
— New player with an ability to copy the track title
— New working wall (finally!)
— The application saves parameters (channel and volume) and starts playing immediately after the launch
— Scrobbling to
— Ability to mark the track you like at
— Multilanguage support
— When you click a DJ's name in the schedule, you get transferred to his website
— A lot of bug fixes
— New bugs
For those of you who don't know what Clubberry Desktop is — it's the most convenient way to listen to Clubberry. All the features of this awesome application are well presented on the screenshot, and it's time to install the latest version of it, if you haven't yet done it, and enjoy the great music with pleasure.
А можно делать так, чтобы эту программу можно было бы брать с собой на USBшнике? Ну допустим, сидишь где-нибудь в инсте в компьютерном зале, USBшник вставил, и любимый музон с тобой (и на ласте тоже появляется, что круто) golovlev
Честно говоря не знаю, программа работает внутри среды Adobe AIR... Попробуй погугли Portable Air Applications.